
Hello and welcome.  I provide flexible classes and services to meet your needs, whether you are interested in my doula services, pre or postnatal yoga or child birth education classes.

I believe that healthy families begin with good support and connection to community and health resources. I provide birth doula support that is empowering, educational and supports the healthy transition into parenthood. I like to talk about everything with families so that there is nothing to do in labour but relax and connect. In labour I do the thinking so you don’t have to.

I offer a range of yoga classes in Victoria B.C. Classes range from prenatal yoga, yoga for labour and birth, parent and babe yoga, postnatal fitness, yoga in the park, as well as a pilates and yoga fusion class for those who are looking for a stronger practice. In addition to yoga that supports the stages of motherhood, I also teach private classes either in rented space or can come to your home.  I specialize in creating adapted and safe practices for those who struggle with mainstream yoga classes, sequences and spaces.

Please send me an email for more information.

About me

I was raised in a small communities in North Western B.C. My connection to community, land, seasons and cycles of life has always been a part of my reality. My love of life and deep curiosity lead me towards many different paths before I came to birth work, but my interest has always been in health.  I worked as a Home Support Worker and Resident Care attendant for ten years while completing my undergraduate degree in Child and Youth Care. During this time I was exposed to key issues faced my people with disabilities, and this stimulated my passion for social justice work.

While I was at home with my two babies I completed a Masters in Disability Management, which I did part-time, online while I taught yoga and established our new home and garden. During this time I did the DONA birth doula training in 2013, and was certified in 2015. In 2016 I became trained through Douglas College and am now a breastfeeding educator.

In my yoga classes and our doula meetings you will be educated, heard and respected. I strive to help you find adaptive solutions that ensure your body can maximize mobility, safety and comfort on a daily basis. I look froward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to send me an email, ask a question or to set up a free meet and greet if you are curious about my services.


Doula Services

What does a doula do?

Doula means “woman who serves,” and this service is flexible and able to adapt to meet meet the needs and preferences of you and your family. As your doula I will first meet with you for a free meet and greet to see if we are a good fit. This fit is as important to me as it is to you! Once hired, I will usually meet first with you to discuss birth preferences, and help offer information in a informative and objective way. Our second meeting is a “trial run” where we do through all the stages of labour, scenarios and ensure that we are ready for the big day. This is a fun and relaxing visit, usually the most helpful for partners as it is very practical. If you choose to go with the basic package these two visits are combined into one comprehensive visit. Remember it is always possible to add more postnatal support hours on (regardless of the package you choose) following the birth of your baby in the case that is is needed. If I am at a birth or otherwise unavailable at the time you require this  help I will always find you a highly recommended certified postnatal doula to help you out.

I am on call 24 hours a day for the ten days before your due date, and ten days after the birth. Once you feel you need me, I stay with you until after the birth, helping with initial breastfeeding and helping you settle. After the birth I help by providing breastfeeding support in person or over the phone and by text, depending on what your needs are. My passion for supporting families is my soul work. I believe that your comfort and sense of ease and safety helps you have a more positive and satisfying birth experience, regardless of how your labour and birth progress. I know that you will never forget your birth, I help make it as positive and special a memory as possible.

A doula is not responsible for your decision making, nor should one speak on your behalf. Doulas work with doctors and midwives and can help you understand the clear distinction between our areas of practice and expertise.

COVID 19 service update. Victoria General Hospital is again allowing two support people to attend the births

Basic birth package ($1400) (For return clients)

  • 2-3hours (total) of pre and post natal meeting time (you choose)
  • On-going unlimited email and phone support
  • On call from ten days prior to your due date to ten days past the birth
  • Continuous labour support from when you need me until you and your family are settled post birth (with back up if needed)
  • Breastfeeding support and resources
  • Yoga bolster for labour
  • TENS included

Full birth doula package: $1800 (recommended for first time parents)

  • Free virtual or in person meet and greet to decide if we are a good fit
  • 4-6 hours of pre and post natal meeting time
  • On-going unlimited email and text/phone support
  • On call from ten days prior to your due date to ten days past the birth
  • Continuous labour support from when you need me until you and your family are settled post birth
  • Breastfeeding support and resources
  • Yoga bolster for use during labour (if desired)
  • TENS and CUB included

Private Child Birth Education (Add on $200)

  • Includes 2-3 extra hours of child birth education that will be customized to meet your needs, concerns and situation.

Extra postnatal doula support

Flexible parent and home support that meets the family wherever they are. This is often added on for families if they need more help after the hours included in the birth package expire. Support ranges from help with normalizing newborn behaviour and feeding challenges to offering on-going text,  phone and in person support. I also teach baby and me yoga under this service. Share your needs with me and we can create a package or work on a pay as you go basis.

  • Postnatal day time rate is $60 for the first hour and then $40 for each hour after.
  • Postnatal night rate is $50 for each hour after the first- minimum of three hours

Rentals for non-clients:

T.E.N.S rental ($80 from your 37th week until birth)

Bolsters are sold at a discount for my clients $70

Half Moon a spiky ball price for client $20

Ask about extra postnatal home support, private at home yoga and meal preparation and or delivery.

Please contact me for more information.



  • Prenatal yoga Thursday 7:30PM (Quadra Village)
  • Baby yoga in  10:30-11:30 AM (Quadra Village)
  • Intermediate studio yoga Tuesday 7:30 PM (Quadra Village)

See calendar for other class offerings. All classes are sliding scale

Why do I practice yoga?

I was introduced to yoga in 2007 through the University of Victoria Yoga Club, when I was a frazzled undergraduate student. Practicing yoga changed me life in so many ways that I have never looked back! Above all else yoga has helped me manage and balance all aspects of my health while also nurturing my spiritual self. I am very grateful that I had an established regular yoga practice prior to and through both of my pregnancies. Yoga not only helped me stay sane but has and continues to improve my quality of life. As my own practice deepens I continue to seek yoga educators to mentor with and am forever the student.

Why do I teach yoga?

My experience working with diverse populations has exposed me to issues of accessibility and wider physical and mental health issues faced by many people. I want my classes to educate and inspire people to get to know their bodies, challenge themselves, gain mobility and to feel stronger and more empowered in their own capacity. I enjoy educating my students on the “why” behind the posture, breath or sequence, as well as weaving in humour and life.  In my classes you can expect to be educated, offered modifications but I expect you to take responsibility to your own practice and to communicate with me so I can teach you safely and offer appropriate support. Most of all I teach because I love working with people while building our collective connection to our larger community.

Who influences my teaching?

I undertook my first yoga teacher training with Nicky Manzies in 2010 over ten months while I was was working and pregnant with my son Ezra. After his birth in 2011 I began mentoring with Ann Kathryn Martins at Mothering Touch and started teaching Mum and babe, toddler and family yoga. The following year I completed my prenatal teacher training at Moksana with instructor and Registered Nurse Chrystal Star in 2012 while pregnant with my daughter Arya. As my children are now in school and my own practice has changed I recently took a 40 hour advanced teaching skills intensive and 35 hour vinyassa intensive with Natalie Ruseau.

What do I teach?

Since this time I have been teaching a wide variety of classes that are catered to new and expectant families: family yoga, toddler yoga, mum and babe, postnatal, prenatal, partners yoga for labour and birth as well as vinyassa and a fun fusion class that merges Pilates and yoga in a slow focused strength and relaxation class.

October 2024



Halfmoon restorative yoga bolsters $80
Halfmoon silk eye pillows. $19
Halfmoon 10lb sandbags $22 (with sand)
Halfmoon myofacial self-release massage balls. Wonderful for relieving the discomforts of pregnancy, labour, and post-natal aches and pains. $16 each, or $24 for two.
Halfmoon hot + cold therapy pillow $35