What some students and clients say about working with me….
Sometimes you feel lucky in life. Like when you order a Blizzard at DQ and you’re served by the kid who gives you extra Skor bits instead of too few. Or when you order movie theatre popcorn, and the person before you got the stale dredges and you get the first popped kernels of a new batch. And sometimes you feel really lucky in life. Like when you go jogging in the silent woods on a snowy day, stop to pee, and happen to choose the one tree holding an owl, still as a statue, staring down at you. Or when you look out the BC ferries window and catch a glimpse – that nobody else seemed to catch – of a pod of orcas surfacing between the foggy waves. And then sometimes you feel really REALLY lucky in life. Like when you choose Renee Ahmadi to be your doula.
Admittedly, I was skeptical at first about our ‘need’ for a doula. I thought it would take away from a special experience between my partner and myself, and that I would feel uncomfortable having a ‘stranger’ bear witness to the rawest experience of my life. But having Renee there – having her alleviate some of the very real stresses of childbirth through her strong confidence and knowledge – made it possible for my partner and I to connect more fully, for me to go inwards, dig down and do what needed to be done. And luck would have it (cause it’s hard to truly know until you’re deep into the labour and post-labour experiences!) that we chose not just any doula but someone who we both felt comfortable around, who we could joke with, who I could cry in front of, who I could hang off of in the hospital elevator in the throes of contractions, who I could text – frantic for answers – during the early days with our little one… someone I could be utterly real with.
Sometimes you feel lucky in life; decisions you made turn out to the ‘right’ ones. If you’re trying to decide on a doula, meet with Renee. You might just luck out too.
There are no words to adequately describe the positive impact Renee had on our birth story.
This was my first baby and, while I had an idea of what birth would be like, I had no idea what my personal needs would be during that experience. That’s is where Renee shon the brightest. She knew what I needed, often before I did. She knew what I needed when I couldn’t communicate it and was able to translate those needs to the rest of our team. She supported me, she advocated for me and she listened to what I wanted.
She found ways to include my husband in our birth experience and make him comfortable. She made sure I was nourished and hydrated. She was strong, gentle and professional. She was amazing.
I am so proud to say that Renee was a doula for the birth of both of our sons! We could never have imagined our second home birth without her beautiful energy and incredible guidance and support that was so important to us during the birth of our first son. Once again she brought a plethora of tools to help me thru a day of labour at home. She helped me thru contractions with whatever I seemed to need in the moment; yoga, massage, music, snacks, laughter and even a tarot reading to inspire me during it all! Her words of encouragement provided much needed support at all the right moments and she somehow managed to capture many tasteful and lovely photos of the entire experience. My husband and I feel completely honoured to have had Renee as our doula!
Finding someone I could feel open and comfortable with during something so vulnerable as birth felt like a monumental task, but Renée has such a special energy, grounded and empowering and accepting. I’m a profoundly awkward human being, but Renée somehow both kept up a natural flow and held space for me. Her compassion and courage creates these safe, non-judgmental bubbles where I felt I could ask any question or share any fear. As for the birth itself, I am so grateful for Renée’s presence and strength. Renée’s advice helped me work with my body rather than against, her deep respect for my autonomy helped me feel safe enough to welcome my labour and set aside my inhibitions (which sped things up considerably!) and the guidance of her voice when my water broke and the sensations became really powerful helped me transform suffering into power. Renée didn’t just tolerate my big queer family – she embraced and engaged them all. She helped each of us find and celebrate our strengths, and was so sensitive to our needs and emotions. Sometimes being queer means fitting artificially into institutions and experiences designed for conventional families. Renée helped us fully experience our birth as a family without ever making us feel like imposters. Best of all was how she helped us include our 5yo. I thought the birth would be frightening for her, so we’d organized some cake-baking to distract, but she stalwartly refused to leave my side. Renée welcomed her into that calm, safe bubble and treated her like a peer, answering all her questions, explaining what was happening, and even helping her to support me. The experience was so inspiring for her that to this day when she sees someone in pain she still gently places a hand on their back and calmly makes the low, grounding hum that Renée taught her. I am so proud that her first experience of birth was empowering and positive.
In those days after the ‘due date’ (which I was determined wouldn’t affect me but it did) waiting for labour to start really took its toll and I became anxious and weary. We did some relaxation and yoga stretches to determine what I best responded to for labour. We texted each other that week constantly with my “is this it?” type of questions. It felt great to have someone to just ask questions without the feeling of nagging my midwives with false alarms. I was impatient, but never worried.
Renee helped me labour at home through the night while my husband slept for a few hours to conserve his energy. As a first time mom, we had no idea how long this would be! Renee kept me on a schedule of peeing, drinking and eating to keep my energy up. Not just the food itself, but the act of having ‘something to do’ other than just waiting for more contractions… it was fantastic. I felt I was taking the offensive, rather than just desperately grasping at some form of defense against this monster of labour.
We found what worked for me (the shower) and worked it hard. Everything was absolutely my choice… but she was there to offer me advice and options without asking stupid questions like “what is your pain like? Rate it on a scale of one to ten.” She is smart enough to know what I looked like and sounded like and made those judgements herself.(Have I mentioned I LOVE doulas?)
I laboured for over 8 hours with virtually no dilation to show for it and still ended up giving birth to my daughter in the water in my home just a few short hours after that. Without Renee I would have surely given up on home birth due to exhaustion and discouragement.
Renee was the first face my sweet baby saw and as the midwives were taking care of us she cut the cord (my man is a little squeamish
Next time I’m knocked up, I’m calling Renee. She is the best.
I’ve worked with Renee in a number of capacities over the past few years. She has been my yoga instructor as well as my doula for the births of both my babies. She has also supported me during those challenging postpartum days and assisted when I had struggles breast feeding my son. I can not say enough good things about working with Renee, she is extremely knowledgable, kind and cool headed. I truly believe that I would have required c-sections for both my deliveries if Renee hadn’t been on my team. In the days leading up to each birth she was always available to keep myself and my husband calm and during labour she was the one we looked to for guidance. I trust Renee completely and would recommend her to any parents-to-be.
-Jen P
Renée played an indispensable role in our home birth experience. From the first day we met her, it was easy to sense her genuine, calm, and collaborative demeanor. These characteristics were immediately palpable when my wife was in labour; Renée was able to work so calmly and effectively with us helping facilitate breathing and different positions to help labour progress, as well as alleviate the pain my wife was feeling from the surges (contractions), and reassure us that we were getting to the finish line!
Renée’s presence was so helpful from early labour to delivery. I can’t express how grateful I am for her incredibly collaborative and respectful approach, which allowed me (as a birthing partner) to remain calm throughout the delivery and ultimately provide more effective support to my wife during the whole process.
If you’re seriously considering a doula, we highly recommend Renée, whose collaborative, positive, and calm approach help make for a more manageable (and enjoyable) birth experience (for both mom and dad).
I can’t begin to explain how glad I am to have Renee during my birth experience. Renee’s warm, calm demeanor and in depth knowledge on movement and techniques to manage contractions were the reasons I wanted her as my doula initially. When I was in labour at home, Renee was able to suggest ways to make my contractions more productive and guided me through breathing techniques to manage the pain. She seemed to know exactly what I needed to hear during each contraction.
My labour progressed very quickly and suddenly, and Renee drove with my partner and I to the birthing cottage providing reassurance and guidance through contractions when I was on all fours in the back of the car. After we got to the birthing cottage, I was in transition and starting to feel the need to push and the midwives were not there yet. Renee allowed my partner and I to remain focused and calm amongst the uncertainty and continued to help me through transition, providing strong counter pressure, massage and positive affirmations.
Post-partum, Renee came over late one night for 2 hours to talk me through some difficulties with breastfeeding when I was feeling anxious and emotional. She showed me helpful techniques and gave me much needed encouragement and reassurance. We also reminisced on my birth, which allowed me view the seemingly chaotic experience in a positive and beautiful light.
Renee was my birth guardian angel, I could not recommend her services more!!
Thankfully this is when Renee started doing yoga classes for just mom’s. Whether is was under a tree gazing up at the amazing branches or in a very cozy private yoga studio, I have enjoyed many yoga classes listening and following this amazing teacher. How does she know just what class to teach that day? How does she know just what my body and mind are needing that day? It’s a talent, a calling, a gift. Renee’s yoga classes are the highlight of my week. I usually arrive to the yoga mat tired, frustrated and exhausted. I always leave uplifted, stretched out and relaxed. She has created a wonderful community of ladies who are also Momma’s to young kids and I find this a wonderful addition to our yoga classes. You never know what Renee will bring up at the beginning of a yoga class to start an interesting conversation and make us all feel heard and connected.
Renee’s yoga teaching style is thoughtful, supportive, encouraging and creative. Renee’s personal style and energy is loving, friendly, supportive and trusting. She is Mother Earth!
Sitting down to write this testimonial is overwhelming… because Renee is absolutely the most incredibly solid, present, competent, strong (in all ways!), and compassionate human being and doula. I knew that I wanted a doula at my birth who was trauma-informed, body positive, and who has facility with working with LGBTQI-2+ and BIPOC folx. Renee is that person, in a way that is so easeful, so grounded in her being and practice that it felt like being with (chosen) family.
Reneee was always clear in communication but not directive, she was physically strong with a mind-boggling amount of endurance and so I could LITERALLY lean on/hang on her for hours on end, she was obviously on my team and still gracious with the hospital staff. She is non-judgemental in ways I didn’t know possible, and her respect for me and my decisions during birth were unshakable. I don’t know how I could have weathered the birth I had without her.
I’ve never felt so held, so cared for, so calm in the face of a mind-shatteringly challenging and beautiful, life-changing experience. I cannot recommend Renee more. She is a gem.
I feel truly blessed that Renee has taught me yoga through the various stages of motherhood, from pre-natal yoga, to yogic birth techniques, to a cozy group of post-natal mothers doing yoga after their little ones go to bed.
If you are the sort of mama or mama-to-be who wants a safe space to be who you are, then Renee is your teacher. She warmly invites her class to make requests. She offers options to accommodate you wherever you might be at physically, mentally, or emotionally. There is no judgment. In fact, Renee actively encourages people to deviate from her instructions, to make the practice their own. She inspires you to find what you need – whether it is to play and open, or find comfort and go inward. Renee just wants you to be you.
Renee is also a terrific teacher if you are seeking to work on alignment and form.
Renee was an amazing doula to work with! She helped my partner and I navigate the birth of our first child beautifully. We thought of her as our calm and present birth choreographer! We would highly recommend her for anyone considering having a doula at the birth of their child and in the weeks of planning leading up to your child’s arrival. We also immensely appreciated her checking in on us after our baby was born. She was always creative, thoughtful and evidence-based in her approach to doula care.
-Ashley Heaslip
Renee was the perfect mix of sensitivity and a no-no sense attitude that gets you through. She has expertise not only as a doula but as an experienced pre- and poat-natal yoga teacher. Renee was very generous with her time before and after the birth and she was always available and checking to make sure my partner, baby and I felt supported. Her sense of humour, calmness and experience made me feel comfortable during the new and challenging experience of birth.
-Meghan Thom
I have been with renee for 4 years. I have done prenatal, mom and babe park , and yummy mummy yoga (Tuesday night). Renee is amazing, from her amazing sense of humor to her knowledgeable teaching skills. Her classes are truly one of a kind. I have chronic hip pain, and her classes has help me strengthen, stretch and manage my pain better then anything else I have tired. I would travel through hell fire to get to her class!
What makes Renee’s classes so magical is that she is committed to leading from her heart. She brings a practice that is authentic and aligned with who she is. She gives me the courage to show up that way on my mat and in other areas of my life. I also love that I never know what I am going to get when I show up at her classes. I love the opportunity to surrender and trust the process. This is something I am practicing off the mat too, and I love getting to practice with Renee in a safe place. This is the yoga class I always knew I wanted and didn’t know existed until I found Renee. It’s more than stretching or exercising—it’s community, connection, self-love, and a breath of fresh air for the soul.
-Meghan Smith
Something that you need to know about Renee is that she has an incredibly accurate intuition about people and what they need in the current moment. This was so evident to me when I first met Renee and got to know her during my prepartum and birth experience. She used this wonderful skill before, during, and after my birth. One of many examples: She walked quietly into the room when I was already in transition, and she knew exactly what I needed without me even asking. The massage she gave me was immediately comforting and reassuring. She also supported my body when I was pushing and really encouraged me to keep going when I was so exhausted and ready to give up. I ended up having a really wonderful birth experience and I know that Renee was a big part of that! Renee also came to visit the morning after we brought our daughter home, and provided some much needed encouragement and information. We are so glad we decided to hire her and would highly recommend her services!
I’ve taken prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga with Renee. I have taken yoga classes with a number of different instructors and Renee is by far my favourite teacher. I keep coming back because I feel amazing after her classes; not only my body but also my mind. Renee starts her classes with a check in to see how everyone is doing. This is invaluable because it allows her to tailor the class to her student’s needs on that particular day. Renee is never afraid to change things up if she thinks a different type of class is better students for where her students are at. She encourages you to practice in a manner that is best suited for your needs, always offering modifications for different skill levels. When I was pregnant she helped calm the aches and pains. Postnatally she has helped me get my flexibility and tone back, while encouraging me to expand my practice. Her postnatal class isn’t just for women who are recently postpartum, but anyone with kids and has the aches and pains that come from that! Apart from the yoga itself, you will meed some fantastic women in her classes. Renee’s personality attracts wonderful women and her classes are a community. If you are pregnant or a mum Renee’s class is a must for you!
Renee came to my house and worked with me while I was pregnant and on bed rest. My movement was restricted but she helped me with assisted, light stretching. Also used the massage balls on my back and hips which were basically a godsend!! Sessions with Renee were the highlight of my week while I was on bed rest. I always slept better and felt a little less like a crazy bed ridden pregnant person afterwards.
-Emma Henderson
I met Renee at a pre-natal yoga class at 37 weeks pregnant. I had just moved to Victoria and was preparing to deliver my second child, and I knew I wanted another home birth (my first was born on the Mainland with a different birth team). Before that yoga class even ended I knew I wanted Renee to be with me for the birt of my second!
She did a two home visits including a trial-run of labour and birth positions using props and furniture from my home. This really helped me to learn what positions I might take during labour and practice them with my partner. While preparing for my birth, Renee was very attentive, gentle, creative and encouraging. She knows so much about labour and delivery and it was very reassuring to both me and my partner to have her calm and positive energy while we mentally prepared for birth.
When I went into labour, Renee spent the night with us at our home and supported me physically and mentally through the intense process. On top of being creative and positive she is big and strong; she supported my weight in multiple positions through intense contractions when I needed physical pressure, friction or just to be held up. Throughout, she supported my breathing and calm vocalizing so I could re-direct my energy and not lose my voice or become too “in my head”. She made excellent use of several yoga postures and flows while I was contracting, helping me use what I already knew in my body to keep moving through the contrqactions and “out the other side”!
When it was all done, Renee prepared food, tidied up, and left us with our infant once she was sure we were ready for that. In the following days she was attentive and supportive with breastfeeding and other post-partum issues. She even brought us a delicious lasagna!
She is a spectacular human, and a force of nature and she was exactly the right person for our second home birth! Thanks Renee.
My yoga connection with Renée began during my first pregnancy and has continued through various private and public practice styles for the past 5 years. Renée gives generous energy, insight and direction in her classes, which always begin with an inspiring anecdote, check-in or direct intention. I always find her classes to reflect a universal and often seasonal vibe as she coordinates poses in variation with ease and clarity, taking cues from the natural movements of her students and providing us her breadth of body knowledge and appropriate structure or adaptation. Renee’s love for movement, strength and connection, both physically and energetically, lends to a valuable and empowering yoga experience – and often new friends! I count myself lucky to be a part of her yoga community.
I was lucky enough to experience prenatal, mom and babe, park yoga, and Thrive yoga with Renee. Renee somehow seems to have magical powers where she knows exactly what your body (and mind) need even if you don’t know yourself! Renee offers a practice that is tailored to what each student needs and always varies the practice from one day to the next, which I have always enjoyed. There is typically a check-in at the start of class where students can share little bits about their life or how they are feeling which connects you with each other and Renee. Renee brings humor, strength, and positivity to her practice. I have taken many yoga classes over the years and Renee has been my favourite teacher by far!
Renée was incredible!! This was my second pregnancy/delivery. I was very anxious because I had preclampsia during my first pregnancy, which led to an early delivery via C-section. That experience had left me very nervous and I was worried I would not be able to have a VBAC. I had not enjoyed the delayed post-partum recovery from the surgery and somehow felt I had missed out on an incredible experience, so having a VBAC was very important to me.
I had a very long labour, though most of it was just early labour pains, it was 40 hrs. in total. At the end I was so exhausted, I felt like giving in. I don’t think I would have been able to pull through, had it not been for my husband’s and Renee’s encouragement. Having her there allowed my husband to get some rest, while we waited for things to progress; it allowed me to stay relaxed, and in the end remain focused through the pushing. It really made a big difference!!!
I can’t convey the feeling in the room. It was a surreal experience. Thanks to her, my husband and I really connected. She reminded us of our positions, to sinc our breathing; to be with each other. I am infinitly greatful that she was there to help us have a very positive experience. She made me feel strong and confident enough to listen to my body and push through.
Renée was available through out the entire process, to answer any of our questions. She helped us navigate a bit through our emotions and get a clearer picture of what we wanted and what we were willing to give up (because things don’t always go as planned). After the birth, it was great to have someone come over, to catch a break, which makes all the difference in the first sleep deprived weeks!!
I really can’t say enough or how greatful I am to have had her as our doula. To me, Renée beems with positivity, strength and love and that is what we really wanted and needed with us.
We were so thrilled to have found Renee for the birth of our first baby, she came back for our second! ??With our family across the country we were facing labour alone until a friend opened our minds to the support, guidance and experience that a doula could offer a couple of newbies. From their referral we met Renee and immediately felt confidante with her being our choice. She was warm, friendly but so very attentive, and immediately bonded with my husband! We felt so much better on labour day for having someone that had experience and could support all aspects of the big day, even things we didn’t think about! From walking us into delivery to enduring contractions, I believe her skills made both our labours go fast and flawlessly. ?She was able to get ‘mom’ focused on moving things forward while enduring and pushing through. She helped ‘dad’ know what to do and how to be helpful. ?Our second birth was similar to our first but for complications afterwards. She was able to help other family members deal with the emergency situation and calm the storm. I, and my family are so thankful for having her!
We couldn’t imagine our birth experience WITHOUT Renee. She is wonderful in so many ways. Her grounding energy, knowlege, humor and intuitive response to every need helped my husband and I feel so cared for, comfortable and supported throughout our Journey to parenthood.
My husband and I went back and fourth about hiring a doula, because the idea of finding someone that you feel completely comfortable with, to share in the insanely intimate experience of childbirth with felt a little too daunting. We took Renee’s “Yoga for Labor w/Partners” class at Mothering Touch only a couple of months before our due date. We thouroughly enjoyed the class, and I instatnly felt a resonance with Renee’s energy. She mentioned that she was also a doula and on a whimmm we asked her if she was available during the window of our due date. Serendipitiously, she had that very window open in her schedule, which is usually booked months and months in advance.
We are so grateful that she was available because our labor and delivery ended up being quite challenging and complex and family ended up not being the kind of support we needed. She was a rock for us during the entire experience and although our birth didn’t end up at all the way we had hoped, we feel good about every choice and every step through the experience.
Renee helped with all aspects of our support. Emotional, physical, mental and communicated so well with everyone involved – Midwife, nurses, family and us.
Childbirth is one of the most intense experiences I have ever had and nothing can really prepare you for the experience due to all the unknown factors at play. Renee is an absolute gem of a human being and my husband and I are eternally grateful for her.
I wish everyone could have a Renee in their lives. The world would be a better place.